Mr Nick Stott of Croxdale, County Durham is celebrating his success after winning a handy Handydome Spray Kit from Micron Group. Mr Stott won the Handydome hand-held sprayer and a Personal Protective Equipment Pack including a face shield, mask overalls and nitrile gloves after entering a free prize draw on the Micron Group stand at this year’s Cereals exhibition.
Manufactured by the pioneers of CDA technology, Handydome is a highly versatile hand-held sprayer suitable for use in a wide range of weed control situations. Handydome’s design incorporates a rotary spinning disc atomiser and a freely-rotating, flexible shroud design to deliver excellent performance and operational efficiencies. Combined, these features offer a smooth and targeted weed control operation, as well as significant labour cost savings and reduction in application volumes.
Speaking of his prize which was presented to him by Graham Thompson, European Sales Manager at Micron, Mr Stott said: “I am thoroughly delighted with winning the Handydome and plan to use it to control unwanted weeds in the conservation area and round trees on the farm. I will also be able to retire my old Micron Herbi which has given me good service for many years.”