Health: Animal and Public

Health: Animal and Public

Micron are the world’s leading authority on ULV (Ultra Low Volume) application equipment for both aerial and ground platforms used for vector control offering unrivalled expertise in large scale aerial and ground vector control operations for both emergency and endemic insect-borne disease campaigns. Micron also supply poultry producers world-wide with vaccine delivery systems based on their electrically powered hand-held rotary atomiser sprayers.

AccuDos 2P

A hand-held controlled dose applicator for precise spot application of spray liquids.


A knapsack mistblower with CDA rotary atomiser attachment for professional users in agriculture, migrant pest control and public health applications.


A range of petrol engine powered vehicle-mounted, air-assisted CDA sprayers for low and ultra-low volume application of insecticides for locust/migrant pest control, public health applications and general agricultural spraying tasks.


Micron’s AU9000 is a vehicle-mounted cold fogging machine developed
specifically for the control of adult mosquitoes, flies and similar pests using both
conventional and water-based ULV insecticides.

CS10 & CS14

High quality compression sprayers for public health applications. Full compliance with international standards for vector control equipment.


A mains electric or battery-powered air-assisted CDA sprayer for low and ultra-low volume application of insecticides and fungicides.


Available in 9EP, 9ES, 35EP and 35ES versions, Microfog is a hand-held thermal fogging machine manufactured in accordance with International Standards for Vector Control Equipment.


A hand-held CDA sprayer for very low volume (VLV) and ultra-low volume (ULV) application of insecticides and fungicides, using the wind to carry spray away from the operator for maximum safety in use.


The UlvaVac is a professional spray applicator for poultry vaccination.


Vibra-Tak Tachometer

The Vibra-Tak “Slide Rule” Tachometer instantly checks speed in RPM.