David Trehane (Director)
Hampreston Foods Ltd and The Dorset Blueberry Company
Enviromist Sprayers in Blueberries
“This machine has revolutionized weed control in our plantations and transformed a long and tedious process…”
Jeremy Wood
Hampshire, UK
Microfit System for use in small vineyards
“I look forward to receiving this equipment, recommended to me by vineyard owners from Court Lane Vineyards…”
PSD Pest, Disease and Weed Report, Harvest Year 2005:
The Flexidome in Strawberries
“Since its introduction in 2004, this machine has facilitated a significant reduction in the cost of inter-row herbicide applications…”
PJ and PA Hawes of Electra
Undavina & Spraymiser in Macadamia Nuts
“Enviromist sprayer proves faster, lighter, saves chemical, labour and water…”
Natural England
WeedWiper – noxious bracken removal solution
“Consistently good bracken control and relative effectiveness of different cutting and treatment combinations…”
Mr. Frans Bunnik (Managing Director)
of Bunnik Plants, The Netherlands
“We are spraying with up to 70 % lower chemical doserates so we gain here big environmental savings.”
Mr. David Stanley (Owner)
of Heart of England Vineyard
Turbofan and MWM Range
“I can heartily recommend the system and, I have to say, the people at Micron have been absolutely brilliant…”