A host of specialist, non-drift spraying equipment will be taking centre stage on Micron’s stand 113 (Hall 1) at Lamma. Proven to reduce drift by 95%*, it includes Micron’s flagship Varidome S5 band sprayer and the latest Undavina, Spraydome and Spraymiser models from the Enviro HiFlo range. The company will also be exhibiting its non-drip Weedswiper, single and dual Tank Systems and a range of hand-held spraying devices.
Varidome S5 – Micron’s latest band sprayer fitted with a Dual Spray Tank system – can treat widths of up to 9 metres and is ideal for broad acre crops such as sugar beet, oil seed rape and maize. A non-selective product is applied to the inter-row through fully shielded pressure nozzles with the option of simultaneously applying a second product such as a selective herbicide or fungicide directly over the crop. Shield spacing on the boom and treated band widths can easily be adjusted to suit different crops.
New to Lamma, Micron will also be presenting its latest models from the Enviro HiFlo series. Now available in a pressure nozzle option, the Micron Enviro range comprises the fully shielded Undavina, Spraydome and Spraymiser models in a range of sizes to cater for every spraying task. Enviro equipment can also be fitted with a CDA spray system for situations where low volume application is preferred. All Enviro sprayers feature a modular design and are fully compatible with other products within the range. Coupled with a Micron Tank System, they can be integrated into a fully self-contained spray assembly for a range of weed control applications including fence lines, footpaths, field margins, amenity and general weed control.
*compared to conventional boom sprayers