As part of its strategy to enhance the product offering and strengthen its brand perception, Micron Group has recently undergone a complete rebrand. The rebrand involved a change in trading name, standardising on product colourways and revising the individual product names.
As of January 2013 Micron’s three companies – Micron Sprayers Ltd, Micronair and Enviromist Industries Pty – will be trading as Micron Group. The decision was made following the Group’s recent restructuring which enabled the companies to capitalise on their combined strengths and consequently strengthen its key Sales, Marketing, R&D and Finance functions. During the restructuring, eight new positions have been created to enable the company to better serve the market. The common name will help Micron Group to enhance its image as a strong player in the spraying industry and reinforce its global positioning.
In the effort to further consolidate the brand image, the Group’s product colourways and labelling are being standardised. Micron will use one colour (green) for its vehicle-mounted equipment and hand-held sprayer parts. All atomiser shields including CDA and high flow nozzle models will also be produced in one standard yellow. Micronair atomiser moulded parts will remain red to differentiate between the aerial and ground equipment.
Additionally, the product family branding is being simplified to make the product offering clearer to the customer. It has been decided that the aerial atomisers and accessories will bear the Micronair family name whereas the remaining product portfolio including hand-held sprayers and applicators, Enviromist vehicle-mounted equipment and former Micronair ground products will be marketed under the Micron brand.
Individual product names have also been revised to reduce the number of brand names for similar type products which will consequently allow Micron Group to better protect its intellectual property.
As a result, Micron’s shielded hand-held sprayers will be branded Herbidome, with Herbi 600S being renamed as Herbidome 600 and Handydome renamed as Herbidome 350.
Equally the Microfit system branding has been simplified to help customers better understand the products. As such it has been decided to use the Microfit name for the handle component of the sprayers which would be used with interchangeable Herbi, Herbiflex or Herbi Twin lances. Equally, Microfit Powerpack Pro name has been changed to Microfit Pro to refer to the handle with electric on/off switch only.
The Turbair name will no longer be used as the parent brand for the Electrafan air-assisted sprayers. Instead, the product will be branded Micron Electrafan.
To help promote Micron’s core CDA (Controlled Droplet Application) technology for vehicle-mounted sprayers, the abbreviation will now form part of the product range name (e.g. UndavinaCDA).
Commenting on the rebrand, Ausra Landey, Group Marketing Manager at Micron said: “Since Micron’s inception in 1954, the company has grown from a small local company to one of the world’s leading manufacturers servicing a wide range of industries and their varying requirements. We believe that by implementing these branding changes and simplifying our branding structure, we will be able to further strengthen our global brand and make our products clearer to the end user.”